Our superior logistics infrastructure ensures seamless operations, timely deliveries, & unparalleled efficiency.
The first shipment of manganese ore was exported via Transnet’s Port Elizabeth Bulk Ore Terminal during December 2012, 13 months after the mining operations at the Tshipi Borwa mine, in the Northern Cape, commenced in November 2011.
Our superior logistics infrastructure ensures seamless operations, timely deliveries, & unparalleled efficiency.
The first shipment of manganese ore was exported via Transnet’s Port Elizabeth Bulk Ore Terminal during December 2012, 13 months after the mining operations at the Tshipi Borwa mine, in the Northern Cape, commenced in November 2011.
Transnet freight network and road transportation
We make use of both Transnet Freight Rail’s rail network as well as road transport to transport our products to different ports being Durban, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town and we envisage to eventually export manganese ore from the deep-water port of Ngqura in the Eastern Cape.
Transnet freight network and road transportation
We make use of both Transnet Freight Rail’s rail network as well as road transport to transport our products to different ports being Durban, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town and we envisage to eventually export manganese ore from the deep-water port of Ngqura in the Eastern Cape.